Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1

Ha! Our first full day here and we have already seen some adventure...

We started our day off by driving Greg to work, which you would think wouldn't be so difficult. Wrong. I knew we were in trouble when after driving around narrow, cobblestone streets for 20 minutes Greg finally told me he didn't "exactly" know the address of his office. There was a point on our excursion where, I'm pretty certain, we were driving on a walking and biking only road. I say this because there were no cars and at one point we had to stop the car to make sure we would fit through the narrow opening. After Greg's blood pressure was up to a dangerous level, we decided it would be best to just let him out to make is own way to work. Apparently, he made it.

After letting Greg off in some alley, the boys and I were on our own to make it back home and then to a grocery store. Thank goodness for GPS! We even have the voice with an accent - we call her the Maggie 2 after our beloved Maggie (Magellan GPS) at home. The boys are convinced that the Maggie 2 is far better than the US Maggie - I think they just like her accent. We eventually did make it home and to the grocery store. After each accomplishment we were all high-fiving like we had just finished the Tour de France!

The grocery store, oh, the grocery, potentially, my new favorite place in Luxembourg. I was a bit stressed when I eventually found The Cactus (store), but I was quickly distracted by the circular bar in the entrance of the store. The bar was like a God send - not only does the bar serve cheap espresso drinks, it serves wine! All day! I think I actually jumped and clapped my hands. After frantically shopping in the Cactus, I made my way to the bar and the boys ran up and down the escalator. It was a good moment.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the Casements, which are underground tunnels built in the 1700's to protect a fortress. The boys loved exploring every nook and cranny of the dungeons and tunnels. We spent a couple of hours pretending we were defending our fort. We even picked out our rooms where we would torture our enemies. Sam, of course, came up with some pretty creative ways to torture the enemy. Although they loved the casements, they couldn't get over the injustice of paying .50 Euro to use the bathrooms!

Words from Ben:

Favorite part of the day: Going to the casements. And I liked the tunnels in the casements.

Worst part of the day: Not eating enough candy.

Words from Sam:

Favorite part of the day: Going to the casements. I liked seeing the cannons.

Funniest part of day: Maggie 2 making Mommy go to a dead end.

Worst part of the day: Paying to use the bathroom.

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